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Marina Education Consultants - dedicated student recruitment agent
We function as students' trusted partners and champions throughout the university application process. If you're hoping to study at university in England, we are here to help.
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Find your ideal UK course with our expert guidance
Find your ideal UK course with our expert guidance
We help students find perfect courses at some of the most prestigious universities in England – completely suited to your interests and needs. We provide in-depth information about your chosen universities, available scholarship details and coach students throughout the application process.
Diverse courses: humanities, sciences, math, more
Whether your passion lies in humanities, sciences, math, economics, geography or psychology, we partner with prominent academic institutions across the country offering an amazing variety of courses.
Student support
What's more? We provide all these services completely free of charge to students. No strings and no commitments attached.
Dreaming of UK university?
So if you're dreaming of progressing your studies at university in England, get in touch today. Our knowledgeable team of educational experts would be glad to assist in any we can.